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Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc. Compliance Statement

Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc. (KFCI) is committed to conducting our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner.

The following outlines the standards we strive for, and likewise our expectations for those with whom we conduct business, to ensure that our entire organization operates in a manner that is consistent with our CORE values.

Our Core Values:

C – Consumer/Customer Focus – consistently meeting or exceeding their expectations

O – Outperform Our Competitors/ Peers – in all aspects of business (quality, service, innovation, sustainability)

R – Relationship With Growers and Employees– operating as a team for the benefit of the entire Association, while respecting the individual

E – Ethical Conduct – in all business and personal relationships

Commitment to Ethical Sourcing:

Being a responsible corporate citizen has always been an integral part of our operations. Subject to the OFCCP (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs), we are an Affirmative Action employer and do not use child labor. We conduct business fairly and ethically, following local, state, and federal regulations. We are committed to applying Ethical Sourcing Standards in our own workplace and we ask all our direct and indirect suppliers and business partners to do the same.

As a fruit grower owned cooperative, our Grower members’ reliance upon the environment manifests itself in a corporate commitment to minimizing environmental impact. We actively support our Growers and Employees and give back to our communities and will continue to examine our operations and practices so that Knouse Foods will be sustained as a viable fruit processor, food supplier and environmental leader into the future.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

We strive to comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations, including those related to labor, health and safety, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.

Labor Practices:

Human Rights:  Knouse Foods is dedicated to exemplifying good corporate citizenship, committing to and respecting human rights as well as demonstrating a broader commitment to corporate responsibility.

Discrimination & Diversity: Knouse Foods provides an inclusive and nondiscriminatory work environment in which all our employees are valued and empowered to succeed.  We do not discriminate based on race, color, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship status, disability, religion, religious affiliation, political affiliation, union membership, marital status, veteran status, or any other protected status, and endeavor to treat all workers with respect and dignity. Unlawful discrimination or harassment is not tolerated.

Health and Safety: We provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, which includes:

  • Proactive measures to prevent accidents and injury.
  • Providing necessary protective equipment.
  • Ensuring that all facilities comply with health and safety regulations.
  • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding working conditions.
  • Prohibiting corporal punishment or any form of physical or psychological coercion.

Environmental Responsibility:

We endeavor to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, striving to minimize adverse environmental impacts through efficient use of resources, responsible waste management, and reducing emissions.

Reporting Concerns:

Employees, Customers, Vendor/Suppliers and the public are encouraged to report any concerns related to the conduct of Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.’s employees, our business practices, or our Vendor/Suppliers. Concerns/Comments/Complaints of this nature may be reported in confidence to [email protected].